Stop spending so much time on fixing minor networking issues
If you're like many installers and integrators, you may be working reactively when it comes to troubleshooting and addressing the performance of network devices. When you send technicians to onsite visits with little information about what could be wrong, they could be wasting time by having to handle minor issues instead of focusing on troubleshooting bigger, more complex problems. Let Capture Remote Monitoring help you optimize both yours and your technicians' valuable time.
With Capture Remote Monitoring, a service provided by ADI, you can be sure of the status of any device on a network in real time, ensuring that mission critical network devices run smoothly even after the initial installation. Our remote monitoring service gives you an instant view of whether devices are online, offline or somewhere in between — all without having to visit the job site. When you need to be in the field, you'll know which devices on the network are having a problem before you go, so you can be more productive and fix the problem quickly and efficiently.
This means you'll save time and money — and customers will appreciate the improved service and support that our network management tools provide. In many cases, you'll be able to alleviate network performance issues before the customer even knows something is wrong. By expanding your service offering with a set of robust remote network monitoring tools, you also have an opportunity to start and maintain a recurring revenue stream.