Schlage 800/801 Series remote wall mount stations provide audible, visual or a combination of both as an indication of the status of the lock. The 801 Series provides code required indication on a delayed egress application to show the system is functioning. Available in single or double gang box mounting. Single zone 800 Series monitoring stations come in three models. The remote-use station provides audible indication with a 70 dB horn (about the loudness of an average alarm clock). LED models are intended for local (at the door) indication of the lock status. All three mount in a standard single gang electrical box. Single zone 801 Series stations come in two models. Both are designed for use with a delayed egress locking device such as an electromagnetic lock with magnetic bond sensor (MBS) and feature 70 dB horn with three LED status indicators to provide visual indication of lock status and delay activation. They mount in a standard single or double-gang electrical box depending model.